Level 1 & 2 – FINAL


Level 1 & 2 Pre-Test (435 CRS)

Please complete all of the questions. Your results will be displayed at the end of the test. Save the results to your desktop to a PDF (Ctrl + P)
If you DON'T know the answer, please DO NOT guess.  Each question has an "I don't know" response available; use this answer instead of guessing so we have a better understanding of your baseline knowledge.

There's a new regulation that was just published.

1 / 50

What U.S.A.F publication governs Drop Zone, Landing Zone, and Helicopter Landing Zone Operations?

2 / 50

The USAF C-130H "Hercules" needs a minimum _____ of runway length for contingency landings?

3 / 50

What does the acronym CDS mean?

4 / 50

What are the minimum dimensions for a Heavy Equipment (HE) airdrop?

5 / 50

What Glide Slope Ratio (GSR) criteria is used for evaluating a USAF C-130?

6 / 50

Who determines the size for a Military Free Fall (MFF) Drop Zone?

7 / 50

What areas are considered a part of a 'Construction' Landing Zone (LZ)?

8 / 50

What areas are considered as part of an 'Operational' Landing Zone (LZ)?

9 / 50

What does the acronym CBR mean?

10 / 50

What is normally required for a tactical Drop Zone approval?

11 / 50

A paved Landing Zone's (LZ) strength is reported with a Pavement Classification Number (PCN)?


12 / 50

What are the minimum dimensions for a daytime U.S. C-130 Container Delivery System (CDS) airdrop, above 700' AGL; using a 4 x single container configuration?

13 / 50

Power-lines operating at 50 kilo-volts or greater must be annotated on the Drop Zone (DZ) survey form when they are within _______?

14 / 50

What is the minimum depth requirement for a Water Drop Zone (DZ)?

15 / 50

What glide slope ratio criteria is used for evaluating a USAF C-17?

16 / 50

What are the minimum dimensions for a rectangular Drop Zone (DZ), for a single static-line parachutist, from 1,000 AGL?

17 / 50

What are the minimum numbers of satellites required to calculate a 3-dimensional Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinate location?

18 / 50

(Choose the Best Answer) List the order of DCP priority test locations for an Operational Landing Zone (LZ) runway:

19 / 50

Which SPACI surface distresses are considered MAJOR distresses, and depending on actual location on the Runway, may be categorized as RED, and may cause the overall condition of the airfield to be categorized as RED?

20 / 50

What does the acronym PCASE stand for?

21 / 50

Lines of Latitude are oriented _______ and indicate the _______ position of a point on earth?

22 / 50

What does the acronym RTK stand for?


23 / 50

What is the Maintained Area obstruction tolerance, and grade / slope criteria?

24 / 50

What are the C-130 and C-17 minimum width requirements for a taxiway?

25 / 50

Which aircraft is associated with the nickname "Sky Truck"?

26 / 50

How tall is this obstacle?

27 / 50

Controlling Glide Slope Ratio (GSR) for an Operational Landing Zone (LZ) runway is derived by the most restrictive obstacle to air navigation within the _________

28 / 50

What is the allowable 'rate' of longitudinal grade change for a taxiway?

29 / 50

What's the Glideslope Ratio (GSR) for a C-146A "Wolfhound"?

30 / 50

Complete the following sentence:  A 'Cursory' PCI rating is . . .

31 / 50

What is the definition of PCN?

32 / 50

The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is based on the characteristics that indicate how a soil will behave as a(n) ______________________?

33 / 50

If the DCP Hammer drives the DCP rod one (1") Inch with 2 (two) blows, then what is the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) equivalent?

34 / 50

How is the SPACI surface distress of Rolling Resistant Material (RRM) related to the Rolling Friction Factor (RFF)?

35 / 50

(Fill in the Blank)
Clay (C) is ________?

36 / 50

Aside from the standard DCP testing priorities, what are some additional critical and unplanned DCP testing locations that should be considered?

37 / 50

What is the 'formula' to calculate A & B Zones (width) for a Light Tactical Fixed Wing (LTFW) aircraft?

38 / 50

What are Regulated Navigation Areas (RNA)?

39 / 50

Which of the following Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ratings match the following definition: "Pavement has mainly high severity distresses which cause operational restrictions. Repair needs are immediate."?

40 / 50

Which of the following are regional satellite systems?

41 / 50

How long is a Sidereal Day and how is it measured?

42 / 50

During a DCP reading, how should a subsurface impenetrable & unidentifiable layer be handled?

43 / 50

When are Fixed Distance Markings used on runways?

44 / 50

What are the correct markings for a Helipad's perimeter &identification with for a single direction ingress HLZ?

45 / 50

How does a reduced RCR evaluation and an increase in (PA) Pressure Altitude effect C-17 landing operations?

46 / 50

What is the primary purpose of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) in airfield surveying?

47 / 50

What are the three patterns for runway markings?

48 / 50

Due to potential Foreign Object Damage (FOD) concerns, individual parking aprons should be provided for each parked C-17 aircraft on semi-prepared LZ?

49 / 50

A solid white 'side stripe' on a runway indicates the edge of the usable pavement?

50 / 50

What is the designated area surrounding a Landing Zone (LZ), including runways, helipads, or helicopter landing zones, that defines the protected airspace around an airfield?

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The average score is 57%
