0% LZ Criteria TestPlease provide the correct answers for each dedicated LZ. Your results will be revealed at the end of the test. 1 / 17There are five (5) questions for this runway. Please choose the correct feature with the corresponding number.What is the answer for #1? A-Zone Runway B-Zone Inner Approach Zone Clear Zone 2 / 17What is the answer for #2? Runway Inner Approach Zone B-Zone A-Zone Clear Zone 3 / 17What is the answer for #3? Runway B-Zone A-Zone Inner Approach Zone Clear Zone 4 / 17What is the answer for #4? B-Zone A-Zone Clear Zone Inner Approach Zone Runway 5 / 17What is the answer for #5? B-Zone Inner Approach Zone A-Zone Clear Zone Runway 6 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #1? Infield Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker Taxiway Touchdown Zone Markings ILS Holding Position Taxiway Shoulder VFR Holding Position 7 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #2? Taxiway Touchdown Zone Markings Taxiway Shoulder Infield Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker ILS Holding Position VFR Holding Position 8 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #3? ILS Holding Position Taxiway Taxiway Shoulder Touchdown Zone Markings VFR Holding Position Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker Infield 9 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #4? Taxiway VFR Holding Position Touchdown Zone Markings Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker ILS Holding Position Taxiway Shoulder Infield 10 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #5? ILS Holding Position Infield VFR Holding Position Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker Taxiway Shoulder Touchdown Zone Markings Taxiway 11 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #6? Touchdown Zone Markings Taxiway ILS Holding Position Taxiway Shoulder Infield Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker VFR Holding Position 12 / 17Name the Airfield Feature: What is the answer for #7? Aiming Point or Fixed Distance Marker Touchdown Zone Markings Taxiway Infield Taxiway Shoulder VFR Holding Position ILS Holding Position 13 / 17Provide the dimensions of the C-130 & C-17 aircraft feature for #1. C-130: 30ft C-17: 10ft C-17: 60ft C-130: 10ft C-130: 250ft C-17: 280ft 14 / 17Provide the dimensions of the C-130 & C-17 aircraft feature for #2. C-130: 250ft C-130: 10ft C-17: 280ft C-17: 60ft C-130: 30ft C-17: 10ft 15 / 17Provide the dimensions of the C-130 & C-17 aircraft feature for #3. C-17: 280ft C-130: 30ft C-130: 10ft C-130: 250ft C-17: 10ft C-17: 60ft 16 / 17This is part 1 of 2 parts for this diagram.Please choose the correct order for the 'Number of Arrows' in the black chart. 4, 3, 2 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3 3, 4, 2 17 / 17This is part 2 of 2 for this question.Please choose the correct feature order (in order from 1 to 4). Threshold Markings, Displaced Threshold Marking, Threshold Bar, Designation Number/Runway Designation Markings Threshold Markings, Threshold Bar, Designation Number/Runway Designation Markings, Displaced Threshold Marking Threshold Bar, Designation Number/Runway Designation Markings, Threshold Markings, Displaced Threshold Marking Designation Number/Runway Designation Markings, Threshold Markings, Threshold Bar, Displaced Threshold Marking Your score is 0%